Edgar Barroso

ODD (2006) 10:35"

Commissioned by DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) to be premiered at the Inventionen Festival 2006.

ODD was conceived based on the SMS tools, which is a set of techniques and software implementations for the analysis, transformation and synthesis  of  musical  sounds,  developed  by  Xavier  Serra an his team at MTG (Music Technology Group). One of the main processes the SMS offers is the separation of stable pitch components from the noise elements, naming them "residuals". The textures of the piece are made from this components, that after a process of constant transpositions  creates  very dense  no-pitch  sound  masses.  In  a  sense, ODD is a trio, having threes recognizable sound sources, a violin, a set of percussions and a female voice, which are surrounded and interrupted by this residual permanently moving textures. Also the morphing and transformation processes are constantly used to get "variations" ans "transitions" of this instruments. As a metaphor, the spazialization of sound was founded on the geometrical concept of odd functions that are symmetric with respect to the origin, meaning that its graph remains unchanged after rotation of 180 degrees about the origin. The idea was to create a permanent moving sonorous space in which the trajectories of sounds were applied equally to different sounds, but the resulting effect have totally different semanthic meanings. The meaning of space and distance is determine by a complex system of amplitude layers. The work´s structure is based in four clear moments define mainly by its background sonic textures, in its internal construction it is also the result of selecting graphic information given by the SMS analysis and subjectively interpret it as a "score" of the incoming musical events. ODD used the SMS tools as a "prism" that can disperse a "light" (sound) wave.


Edgar Barroso wurde 1977 in Mexiko geboren und lebt heute in Barcelona, wo er Komposition bei Agustín Charles und Gabriel Brncic studierte. Von 2005 bis 2006 war er Stipendiat der Music Technology Group MTG in Barcelona.
In den vergangenen fünf Jahren waren seine Werke bei vielen wichtigen Festivals für elektroakustische Musik zu hören. Er erhielt den ersten Preis beim Wettbewerb für live-elektronische Musik der Harvard University in Cambridge und ein Stipendium des Staatlichen Kulturinstituts in Guanajuato, Mexico.
Barroso ist Mitglied des Ensembles Crumble, das sich elektronischer Musik und freier Improvisation widmet.